The Manufacturer guarantees the products manufactured by him from any material or manufacturing defects For the period of 2 years from the date of purchase.
If a product is found to be defective, Manufacturer’s sole liability shall be limited to its repair or replacement.
the Manufacturer shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by misuse of the product.
This warranty is subject to the following limitations
The guarantee is not subject to:
1. Damage caused by misuse and negligence on the part of the user.
2. damage caused by improper preparation and assembly of the attachments.
3. damage caused by wear and poor care
4. danni causati da altre situazioni che non siano difetti di materiale o di fabbricazione
5. damage caused by the use of solvents or fixing glues
6. Damage caused by impacts with rocks or any other material is not covered by warranty
7. all modified products without a written authorization from the Manufacturer are not covered by warranty